Wednesday, 7 December 2016

8 Signs You Might Be Suffering From Depression

Though we may shy away from the topic, depression is a real mental health issue that will affect most people in their lifetime.
          How can you tell if you are depressed? A surprising number of us may fail to spot the signs that we might be suffering from depression.
          This is because so many of us are afraid to talk about depression, says Dave Gallson, associate executive director of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC). “And the real reason most people will not talk about this is because of the stigma attached to depression,” he says. This stigma only exacerbates depression— and is in fact dangerous, because it prevents many people from seeking help.
          Alexandra Kaey of the Canadian Mental Health Association agrees. “If somebody has a physical disability, there is no blame attached. But there has always been a stigma attached to mental health issues. Friends, family and employers may act as though it’s ‘your fault’ or that you haven’t the stamina to deal with what life throws at you,” she says. “Feeling they have nowhere to go, often blaming themselves, it then becomes an invisible disability that takes over everything in one’s life.”
          Being afraid to admit to a problem we perceive as a sign of weakness may lead us to fail to pay attention to the signs—from the dramatic and the obvious, to the subtle and the secret. We know that suicidal thoughts, feelings of “worthlessness,” withdrawing from friends and family, and constant fatigue are signs of depression—but many of us might not realize that dramatic insomnia, irrational anger, and persistent aches and pains can be clues as well.
          There is no simple test for depression—diagnoses are made based on a suite of symptoms. Practitioners and therapists look for a number of signs; if somebody experiences half a dozen or so of a list of key symptoms for more than two weeks, a diagnosis of depression is likely.
          “We all manifest the symptoms in different ways,” says Kaey. “It’s not a simple thing to diagnose—which is all the more reason to keep on top of it and pay attention to your feelings and health.”
          Could you be depressed without realizing it? Here are eight signs that you might be suffering from depression.

1. Weight changes
 Depression can result in a total lack of interest in food, so somebody may begin to lose weight without even realizing it. But the opposite can happen, too: to fill the emotional void, some of us turn to food and will gain weight in turn.
2. Sleep problems
 Just like with appetite, the physical changes can swing to either extreme. You may suddenly find that you’re tired and sleeping all day, or that you can’t get a wink’s shuteye at all. A particularly common form of sleep deprivation is to find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, night after night.
3. Aches and pains
 “A lot of people don’t realize that depression comes with bona fide physical symptoms,” says Gallson. Feeling sick to your stomach, knots in the gut, a weak immune system and constant colds and flu, whole body aches and pains, and exacerbated chronic conditions (such as arthritis) can all come with a depressive episode.
 4. Anger and irritability
“If you are continually depressed, you can become extremely frustrated, and this can manifest as anger,” says Kaey. Anger is depression turned inward, as the expression goes. Having a short fuse, and finding that little things that would normally not bother you suddenly have the power to completely ruin your day could be a sign of buried depression.
5. Alcoholism
 About 40 percent of people who suffer from depression struggle with alcohol, according to the MDSC. Drug use—illicit and prescription—are also common ways that many of us try to escape our emotions. It doesn’t just mask the problem, it can also make things worse; liver damage and poor health only worsen depressive episodes.
6. Concentration issues
Finding yourself unable to focus, taking three hours to do something that ought to take half an hour, struggling to formulate your thoughts coherently—these are also factors that come with depression. If you constantly feel that you have no mental energy, and feel like your mind is muffled and numb, it may be time to seek help.
7. Problems with work
Depression can severely interfere with your ability to work—waking up in the morning and not feeling capable of getting out of bed can lead people to long bouts of absenteeism. But even just missing a day or two every week—or just constantly coming in late and leaving early—is a common sign. “Presenteeism,” meaning regular attendance but failure to get anything done, is also a sign.
8. Lack of sex drive
 A complete and total lack of interest in sex can be (but is not always) a feature of depression. If you are in a relationship, a total lack of desire for your loving partner can make you feel even more guilty, self-loathing and insecure—sometimes forcing you even deeper into depression.
 According to the specialists, the most important thing to remember is that there are effective treatments out there, from medication to talking therapies. And up to 80 percent of people who suffer from depression respond well to treatment, according to the MDSC.
What is crucial, says Keay, is to be aware of these signs and to seek treatment and help as soon as possible—otherwise, you risk heading into “a spiral, where you don’t want to talk to anyone about it. And that just makes things worse,” she says. “Just small incremental things like exercise, going out during the day in the winter [when a lack of sunlight and seasonal affective disorder can kick in for a lot of us], picking up the phone and talking to somebody, even just going to a coffee shop to vent with a friend, all those little things can help get you out of that spiral.”
 Source: Best Health magazine

Friday, 19 August 2016


Reasons to Drink Hot Water With Lemon Every Morning
Trying to cut coffee out of your morning? A cup of hot water with fresh lemon juice is an ideal alternative that many nutritionists drink every day - and it's not just because of its tangy flavor! Here are four compelling reasons to make this quick concoction part of your morning ritual.
It helps you detox every day: While lemons may seem quite acidic, they're a surprisingly good source of an alkaline food that can help balance your body's pH; internist and doctor of integrative medicine Dr. Frank Lipman is a big proponent of a hot water with lemon habit, since the combination wakes up your liver and flushes out nasty toxins.
It wakes up your digestive tract: This simple yet powerful beverage stimulates your gastrointestinal tract - improving your body's ability to absorb nutrients all day and helping food pass through your system with ease.
It supports weight loss: Lemon juice contains pectin, a soluble fiber that has been shown to aid in weight-loss struggles. And if you've been sipping on a cup of tea loaded with sugar or honey every morning, this beverage will slash calories from your daily diet.
 It soothes an upset tummy: When you go to bed on a full stomach, pesky heartburn or a bloated belly can get in the way of your morning. Hot water cleanses your system, while the flavonoids from lemon juice may help reduce acidity in your stomach, so you feel like yourself sooner.

10 Healthy Reasons to Start Squeezing Lemons

Saying that lemons are a superfood is an understatement. Not only do they add abundant flavor to a variety of dishes, but they also boast a ton of health benefits. The flavonoids within the juice are said to contain antioxidants, which is why lemons are useful in treating so many ailments and conditions.
Here are 10 reasons to enjoy them ASAP.
Prevent kidney stones: Drinking one half-cup of lemon juice every day raises citrate levels in the urine. Studies have shown that this could protect against calcium stones in the kidney.
Soothes a sore throat: Mixing lemon juice with honey can help alleviate the discomfort that comes from a nasty sore throat.
Support weight loss: Beyond the old notion that the Master Cleanse was the only way lemons could help you lose weight, new studies have shown the ways lemon juice supports your goals. Lemon juice contains pectin, a soluble fiber that has been shown to aid in weight-loss struggles.
Start your day right: Leave caffeinated drinks behind, and start your day off with hot water and fresh lemon juice to stimulate your digestive track and add vitamin C.
 Stop an itch: When it comes to poison ivy or insect bites, rubbing lemon juice on the area can soothe the skin, since it has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects.
 Aids in digestion: Dr. Oz is a big believer in the power of lemon juice for weight loss. He suggests drinking a mixture of lemon juice and flaxseeds in order to eliminate waste more quickly from your body.
Anticancer properties: Studies have supported the anticancer activity of citrus liminoids, compounds that protect your cells from damage that can lead to the formation of cancer cells.
Potassium power: Bananas aren't the only way to get a big helping of potassium in your system. In addition to vitamin C, lemons offer 80 milligrams of this mineral that helps your body stay strong and nimble.
Bring down a fever: Forget the days of starving a fever! When your temperature goes up, drinking a lemon juice mixture can help bring your fever down faster.
 Balance pH: While lemons may seem quite acidic, they're a surprisingly good source of an alkaline food that can help balance your body's pH.


Friday, 6 May 2016


          A Chinese factory is breeding 20 million male mosquitoes a week, and releasing them into nature to copulate with wild female mosquitoes. Its aim—culling the population, and eradicating disease.
          A team of scientists, led by Xi Zhiyong of China’s Sun Yat-sen University and Michigan State University, announced in March, they are breeding mosquitoes that are infected with Wolbachia bacteria, which produces infertile eggs when they mate with females in the wild. Because the transmission of dengue and Zika is carried by mosquitos, the release of these laboratory insects could stop the diseases from becoming epidemics, the research team explains.

          The world’s biggest “mosquito factory,” with a total area of 3,500 square meters, and four workshops that each can breed 5 million mosquitoes a week, has been established in southern China’s Guangzhou city, where dengue fever strikes annually.
          It is not clear where the male mosquitoes will be released in the future. But the research team’s pilot project released 500,000 Wolbachia-infected male mosquitoes to a small island in Guangzhou in March of 2015. The mosquito population on the island had dropped by half by June that year, Xi told the Beijing News at that time. Those “500,000 mosquitoes sound a lot, but in fact, they’re like a drop in the ocean,” Xi said.
          Similar programs have been rolled out in Australia, Vietnam, Brazil and Indonesia, and they are more effective, and less expensive, than traditional methods of insecticide spraying, the Guardian reported last year.
          Wolbachia mosquitoes could have a greater advantage over  genetically modified ones (another experimental way of controlling mosquito populations) because genetic tweaks kill just one generation, while Wolbachia is passed on to the next generation via infected females.
          Early research shows Wolbachia does not increase the risk of other pathogens being transmitted by mosquitoes, and it is not harmful to the environment—but because mosquitoes are prey for birds and fish, the long-term effects on the greater ecosystem are unclear.
          The Chinese research team also plans to build a mosquito factory in Brazil, Xi told a local newspaper recently. Brazil launched its first trial of Wolbachia mosquitoes in 2014, and is now throwing everything it has at the mosquito-borne  epidemics ravaging the country.

Source :;

Thursday, 17 March 2016


          Kesakitan ketika haid mungkin tidak dapat dibayangkan jika seseorang itu tidak pernah mengalaminya. Malah, ada yang tidak percaya bahawa kitaran bulanan wanita itu boleh menyebabkan kesakitan yang amat sangat.
          Hakikatnya, ada di kalangan wanita yang terpaksa menanggung kesakitan teruk sehinggakan tidak berdaya melakukan apa-apa, ada juga yang hilang selera makan malah kesakitan itu turut menganggu waktu rehat /tidur. Usah dibayangkan mood mereka ketika hari-hari tersebut!

          Kini, pakar sains percaya bahawa kesakitan ketika haid atau yang disebut senggugut, boleh menyebabkan wanita menderita kesakitan seburuk serangan jantung.
          Menyedari keadaan itu, mulai Mac 2016, pihak berkuasa Wilayah Anhui  di China memperkenalkan cuti bergaji penuh (satu atau dua hari) kepada pekerja wanita yang mengalami senggugut. Tawaran cuti itu bertyujuan melindungi kebajikan golongan wanita di wilayah tersebut. Selain itu, dua lagi wilayah di China iaitu Hubei dan Hainan turut menawarkan cuti kerja bagi pekerja wanita yang mengalami senggugut teruk.
          Apakah negara-negara lain juga akan memberikan cuti seumpama itu?
          Walaupun hakikatnya ramai wanita menderita kesakitan acap kali haid, iaitu seorang bagi setiap lima wanita (mengikut laporan #Quartz), namun terlalu sedikit penyelidikan yang dilakukan mengenainya.
          Pengarah bahagian ginekologi NorthShore University Healthsystem di Chicago, Frank Tu  berkata kebanyakan doktor di latih bahawa ibuprofen "sepatutnya cukup baik" bagi merawat kesakitan seumpama itu.
          Faktor doktor yang merawat juga dikaitkan dalam soal ‘penyakit sengugut’. Ada yang berpendapat doktor lelaki lebih sensitif dan memahami kesakitan senggugut kerana mungkin juga doktor wanita kurang bersimpati ataupun mereka tidak dapat membayangkan kesakitan akibat haid kerana tidak pernah mengalaminya.
           Penulis Quartz, Olivia Goldhill yang menceritakan pengalamannya menderita senggugut berkata, sesetengah doktor bersikap acuh tak acuh apabila diberitahu mengenai gejala senggugut.
          Kebanyakan pakar sakit puan akan secara berterusan memberikan pil perancang keluarga kepada pesakit yang menderita senggugut. Akibatnya, haid wanita itu akan terhenti. Risiko mengamal pil perancang antara lain termasuk pembekuan darah dan kebarangkalian mendapat kanser payudara. Atas sebab itulah, ramai waanita enggan mengamalkan pil yang diberikan, dan cuba menahan sakit senggugut.
          Kedatangan haid bukan sahaja menyebabkan senggugut, sesetengah wanita mengalami tekanan perasaan, sakit kepala (migrain), malah ada yang muntah-muntah pada masa haid. Malangnya, tidak seorang pun doktor yang boleh memberi penjelasan mengenai punca senggugut.
          Kenapa sesetengah wanita mengalami kesakitan ketika haid?
           “Itu soalan cepumas dan kami pun kurang faham untuk menjawabnya,” kata Dr Richard Legro, MD, dari Penn State College of Medicine kepada Quartz.
          Legro dan rakan penyelidikannya mendapati, Viagra mungkin boleh digunakan untuk merawat senggugut. “Kami rasa telah membuat satu sumbangan besar dengan penemuan ini,” katanya.
          Bagaimanapun, penyelidikan itu belum selesai. Banayak lagi maklumat diperlukan sebelum ianya boleh diluluskan sebagai rawatan, tetapi tidak ada pihak yang mahu menaja penyelidikan itu. “Saya sudah tiga atau empat kali membuat permohonan tetapi ditolak.
          “Saya rasa, hakikatnya tak siapa yang menganggap kesakitan haid sebagai sesuatu yang penting dalam soal kesihatan,” tambahnya.
           Sementara itu John Guillebaud, professor bagi kesihatan reproduktif di University College London juga berkata, kesakitan senggugut boleh jadi seteruk “terkena serangan jantung.”
           “Di rujuk sebagai Dismenorea dalam klinikal bagi kesakitan haid yang melampau, tidak ada penjelasan sahih dari segi perubatan mengenai punca senggugut.
          “Lelaki tidak mengalaminya dan senggugut tidak mendapat perhatian sewajarnya. Saya rasa ia perlu diberi perhatian sepertimana aspek perubatan lain.”
          Tambahan pula, gejala itu akan berkurangan setelah melahirkan. Memandangkan masalah itu boleh hilang secara semulajadi, mungkin juga para penyelidik “yang ingin mencipta nama” tidak menganggapnya cukup penting untuk dikaji selidik.
          Ramai juga doktor terdiri dari kalangan wanita tetapi, mereka sendiri pun tidak menganganggap senggugut itu sebagai sesuatu yang serius.
          ”Saya rasa sama saja, doktor lelaki atau wanita. Doktor lelaki tidak mengalami kesakitan itu jadi tidak dapat membayangkan betapa teruknya sakit senggugut. Begitu juga doktor wanita yang tidak mengalaminya. Tapi, pada pendapat saya, doktor wanita juga mungkin kurang rasa simpati hanya kerana mereka tidak mengalami kesakitan semasa haid, dan jika benar sekalipun, mungkin mereka menganggap,
          “Jika saya boleh tahan kesakitan senggugut, begitu juga pesakit,” tambah Guillebaud.

Sumber: Quartz/